Exploring identity is fundamental to understanding bias and establishing a strong, inclusive classroom culture. Identity is multifaceted and shapes how each of us views and experiences the world.
Our new "Fall Into Learning" webinar series begins Thursday, Sept. 15 4:00-4:30pm ET with our first core anti-bias theme: Building a Better Classroom: Exploring Identity. Reserve your spot today and engage with colleagues around the country on the topic of identity.
You can prepare for this webinar by carefully exploring:
1. ADL’s Exploring Identity Digital Kit - a comprehensive package of resources including professional learning for educators, a digital activity for students, a guided lesson, as well as additional classroom lesson plans and discussion guides.
Learning is more effective when you partner with a colleague or friend. Please forward this professional learning opportunity to educators in your school!
We look forward to learning with you!
In partnership,
ADL Education
*Certificate of completion and gift card delivered after completion and successful submission of final survey for each webinar.