An America First Family Policy


A startling new study by the Pew Research Center reveals a staggering statistic. The United States is No. 1 globally . . . but in a shameful category. Of the 130 nations surveyed America, by more than a factor of three, had the greatest number of fatherless homes: “The U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households. Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%).” 

When you consider America’s “margin of success” on fatherless homes, it’s almost as though there’s been a systematic plan to—in the words of Black Lives Matter—destroy the Western nuclear family, and in so doing destroy American society. It’s as if organizations, elected officials, and “thought leaders” spent the past 70 years doing everything in their power to remove fathers as authority figures in the home and replace them with the state: destroy the nuclear family, reshape society.

At its root, a fatherless nation is a rudderless nation, adrift and doomed to decline. A strong family with an authority figure is the foundation of society and is inextricably tied to our nation’s founding principle of self-governance. Our self-governing republic needs strong families raising people to govern themselves, but the founders intended far more: They intended every individual to govern himself or herself because if people self-govern as individuals it leads to greater freedom for the nation. 


October 4th | 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Warsaw, VA


Join American Majority for the third training in our Election Integrity series. This training focuses on those people working inside the polling stations on Election Day and during In-Person Absentee Voting in Virginia. If you plan to help inside the polls this year or in the future, join us!

Come learn the differences between these two types of jobs and what to expect. These are important ways to help ensure secure elections in the Commonwealth.


New Online Courses
Available Now!!

Parental control of local school boards is essential always but especially in today’s climate of disintegrating morals and quest to control the masses coming from leftists. Running your school board with morals and standards you can be proud of is not only an admirable goal but a crucial one for future generations.

If we want America to continue to be a great nation, then we need to focus on how we might best empower children to succeed in the future. This course will guide and empower your success in creating a fair and balanced school board in your community.

In this course we equip individuals with an understanding of what is “election integrity,” what happened in the lead up to the 2020 election, and what we can do now and in our own communities to protect our most basic civil right – the right to vote and participate  in free and fair elections.

Topics Include:
  • History of Changes to Election Laws
  • What Happened in 2020 and other important election trends
  • What You Can Do About It

Don't see a training near you? Request one HERE

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