Nearly 180,000 residents in Jackson, Mississippi and surrounding areas lost access to safe running water after flooding across the state. 

Fair Fight

Nearly 180,000 residents in Jackson, Mississippi and surrounding areas recently lost access to safe running water after flooding across the state. Unfortunately this is nothing new for residents in this city. In fact, Jackson is known to have chronic water problems that’ve been exacerbated by decades of underinvestment.

This, on top of climate change bringing more extreme weather, has left residents still without access to clean water to drink and unable to flush their toilets, take showers, or wash their clothes. Many residents are feeling déjà vu from similar water issues they faced in 2021.

Right now, grassroots organizations working to provide and distribute clean water to residents need our support. The Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition and Immigrant Alliance for Justice Equity of Mississippi are two organizations currently taking donations to provide immediate relief to residents. So, we’re asking: Can you split a donation between these two organizations?

Here's a little background on these groups:

The Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition brings together more than 30 Mississippi-based organizations across the state with a goal of raising $2 million dollars to provide clean water to residents. 

The Immigrant Alliance for Justice Equity of Mississippi, established in 2019, has been working to provide the immigrant community with critical resources. They are distributing water to residents and collecting donations for immigrant families impacted by flooding. 

At Fair Fight, we’re in solidarity with the activists who have been calling out the racial injustice at play in this crisis — Jackson is 83% Black, and it’s hard to imagine this disinvestment happening to a well-off white community.

Fair Fight will continue working towards a country and democracy where everyone, no matter their race or ZIP code, has their most basic human rights protected — including the right to access safe and clean water.

To help meet the immediate needs of Jackson’s residents in this water crisis, please split a contribution between the Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition and Immigrant Alliance for Justice Equity of Mississippi today.

In solidarity,

The Fair Fight Team