Choosing to have an abortion, use contraception, or even participate in consenting sex is a PRIVATE DECISION. No government or church should be a part of that decision against someone's will.

Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped Republicans across the country from passing abortion bans. It's also not stopping the Catholic Church from pouring millions of dollars into supporting an anti-choice agenda. In Kansas alone, Catholic dioceses spent over $3 MILLION in support of a ballot measure attacking abortion rights.

It's going to take a massive groundswell of support to fight back against this sort of money. Will you make sure our unapologetically pro-choice candidates win their reelection campaigns by chipping in now?

Here's the kicker: a majority of Catholics in the United States support the right to choose.

It is someone's right to abstain from abortion for religious reasons. But it should NOT be the right of churches, politicians, or anyone else to insert themselves into our most intimate health decisions.

We can't risk any of our pro-choice candidates losing this fall, especially because of the millions of dollars pouring in from Republican PACs and Catholic dioceses. Donate now to help us defend reproductive freedom >>

My body, my choice. PERIOD.

— Katie