Slam Your U.S. Rep. Who Voted FOR Ag Amnesty!
Dear activist,
Last week, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5038, the misleadingly-titled Farm Workforce Modernization Act. Instead of "modernizing" the existing agricultural guest-worker program, this legislation would grant amnesty to a pool of more than 1 million illegal aliens who have unlawfully worked in agriculture.
Further, the bill would create an outdated system of indentured servitude for illegal workers who receive the amnesty. While farm owners want to reward their workers with amnesty, they're concerned that by granting them work permits, they'll instead work non-agricultural low-skilled jobs. To maintain a steady ag workforce, this law would require these illegal workers to continue to work agricultural jobs in order to maintain their legal status and eventually gain permanent residency and a path to citizenship (indentured servitude).
Additionally, the bill expands the current H-2A guest worker program to cover year-round jobs in dairy. The bill would also create 40,000 new green cards reserved for H-2A workers who have worked at least 10 years or other low-skilled foreign workers.
The Farm Workforce Modernization Act does nothing to "modernize" the farm workforce, and instead places further pressure on American workers who still make a living working agricultural jobs and other low-skilled jobs.
Please send a message to your U.S. Representative who voted in favor of H.R. 5038.
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