From Tom Brejcha <[email protected]>
Subject 9 felonies for exposing Planned Parenthood
Date September 13, 2022 4:02 PM
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Dear Friend,

I'm writing this letter to you today because, quite
frankly, David Daleiden cannot.

You may remember David as the undercover journalist
who spent 30 months investigating and capturing video evidence of
Planned Parenthood 's top leadership --- medical directors,
national program directors, even its Senior Director of Medical
Services --­ callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of
aborted baby body parts.

And now, he's been charged with nine bogus felonies.

Which is why I'm asking you to make an emergency
donation to the DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND right away.

You see, after David released the shocking videos of
the illegal and disgusting actions of abortion executives, Kamala
Harris, then California's Attorney General, colluded with Planned
Parenthood to file felony charges against David...

... Kamala Harris even ordered the California
Department of Justice to raid David's home and confiscate his
unpublished videos.

I won't sugarcoat it. If not cleared of these
charges, David faces steep fines and years in state penitentiary
and the consequences of being a convicted felon. While Kamala
Harris --- a bought-and-paid-for ally of the abortion industry
--- is sitting one heartbeat away from the presidency.

That's the bad news.

But here's the good news... David is fighting back.

In fact, he's taking another opportunity to drag
more of Planned Parenthood's dark criminality into the spotlight
with two new federal lawsuits.

That's right. The Thomas More Society has filed a
federal civil rights lawsuit in California on behalf of David
against former California Attorney General and now
Vice­President Kamala Harris for prosecuting David in bad faith,
twisting and perverting California's anti-eavesdropping law to
persecute a citizen journalist because of his political views.

Then the Thomas More Society filed a defamation
(libel) lawsuit in federal court in New York against Planned
Parenthood, which said David created a "fake" and "false" "smear
campaign" against Planned Parenthood.

In other words, the best defense is a good offense.
The truth is we could no longer let David suffer such a trampling
of his free speech and due process rights without a

The timing couldn't be more important.

This is a critical opportunity to put Kamala Harris,
Planned Parenthood, and the rest of the abortion industry on
trial for conspiring to silence David in order to cover-up their
illegal activities.

That's where your emergency donation to the DAVID
DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND comes in --- by giving today you can stand
with David in his hour of need.

The reality is. . .

You couldn't be there when David entered the dark
underbelly of the abortion industry --- sitting across the table
from abortionists haggling over the price of baby body parts with
cold-blooded clarity... "I want a Lamborghini."

You couldn't be there as David saw with his own eyes
the preborn children who had been killed with great precision and
delicacy to preserve their organs for maximum profit.

You couldn't be there when the videos were released
and Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood conspired to crush David
with trumped up legal charges and an armed raid on his home in
which they seized laptops, hard-drives, and recording equipment.

And you couldn't be there with David (our criminal
defense team was there) when he voluntarily appeared in both
Texas and California for booking and processing --- fingerprinted
and photographed for a mugshot like a common criminal.

But, now, this is the reality... there is something
you can do.

You can make an emergency donation to the DAVID
DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND to help vindicate this pro-life hero.

My name is Tom Brejcha.

I'm the president and chief counsel of the Thomas
More Society --- a not-for-profit law firm underwriting and
helping to spearhead David's criminal defense.

The Thomas More Society is proud to have defended
many renowned pro-life and religious leaders in America's
pro-life movement such as Joe, Ann, and Eric Scheidler, the
Pro-Life Action League, Shawn Carney and 40 Days for Life, Abby
Johnson, the Susan B. Anthony List, David Bereit, Lila Rose and
Live Action, Students for Life, Sidewalk Advocates for Life,
Created Equal, former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, the
March for Life, and many more.

Because when dark forces like Planned Parenthood
unleash their full might to legally, financially, and personally
destroy our clients --- we fight back.

I have to tell you, despite all that David is
facing, his spirits remain high. Of course, I've never known
anyone in this kind of position who didn't feel an empty pit in
his stomach.

But David's not giving up. His willingness to fight
back is a true profile in Pro-Life courage.

Now I'll get right down to it...

We anticipate David's legal defense will cost us
more than $6 million. That's right, SIX MILLION DOLLARS.

In addition to the criminal case and the new federal
civil rights and defamation lawsuits, we're currently
representing David in THREE other cases.

The civil lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood where
we are appealing the jury's verdict, along with the judge's order
permanently banning David from doing any more undercover
journalism against Planned Parenthood. Recently, we posted a
$700,000 appeal bond to keep Planned Parenthood's nasty
collection agents from harassing him with collection agents and
even seizing his belongings. We're fighting back, but we'll need
your help.

The civil lawsuit brought by the National Abortion
Federation and the "gag order" injunction that still prohibits
David from releasing any more of his video evidence exposing
Planned Parenthood's illegal fetal tissue business. And now, in
light of the Planned Parenthood civil lawsuit, NAF has moved for
summary judgment - they want a ruling against David without a
trial at all!

And finally, the civil lawsuit filed by Planned
Parenthood personnel in federal court in Seattle, where we just
achieved a victory for a second time on appeal, but it appears we
may need at least a third victory on appeal before this case

That's why David needs your financial support today.

And that's why I'm praying you will donate $35 or
more to the DAVID DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND right away.

I won't guess how much you're able to send today.
Whether it's $35, $50, $75, $125, $250, $500, $1,000 or more...

... I will only say that time is of the essence.

So I do ask that you make your donation as soon as
you can.

This truly is a "David versus Goliath" type of
battle --- with Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood, and the
radical left arrayed against our "David."

It's a grave injustice that David is the one being
hit with felony charges and massive civil penalties while Planned
Parenthood (so far, at least) has gone unpunished.

By clearing David of these charges... you and I can
allow him to continue with his incredibly important lifesaving
work. Remember, over 12 million people on YouTube alone watched
the shocking footage he captured. Since that time, 26 states ---
over half the country --­ have moved to strip Planned Parenthood
of taxpayer funding.

It's no wonder Planned Parenthood and their allies
want to destroy David.

They'd love to see him rotting away in penitentiary
rather than exposing their criminal and inhumane activities. You
and I cannot let that happen.

So please don't delay. Donate $35, $50, $100, or
more to stand with David Daleiden today.

I've asked my staff to let me know as soon as we get
it so I can let David know that you're standing with him.

I know he'll be deeply touched by your generous

May God Bless You,

Tom BrejchaPresident & Chief Counsel

P.S. Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood, and their
allies want to destroy David. They'd love to see him rotting away
in penitentiary rather than exposing their criminal, ghoulish
activities. You and I cannot let that happen. Can I count on you
to support the official criminal defense of David Daleiden?

David is a pro-life hero. Will you make a generous
donation to the DAVID DALEIDEN DEFENSE FUND of $35, $50, $100 or
more to stop this attempt to crush him?


The Thomas More Society is a not-for-profit,
national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect
in law for life, family, and religious liberty.

Please consider supporting our efforts with a
generous, tax-deductible donation.

© Thomas More Society |
www.thomasmoresociety.org309 W. Washington Street Suite 1250,
Chicago, IL 60606

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