
Fellow American,

My team did some digging and found that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce gave my opponent, Pelosi-backed Jahana Hayes, a D rating.

Jahana Hayes Rating - U.S. Chamber of Commerce

While she might not have received an F, in my book – she does. Our small businesses have not been given a second glance since the COVID-19 pandemic and were left on the back burner before the pandemic even started!


Hayes voted for sky-high taxes, has done NOTHING to combat inflation, and voted for the 87,000 new IRS agents that will target our middle-class and small businesses. She has even gone as far as to say that “Democrats single-handedly saved the economy.” How more out of touch could she be!? We are legitimately in a recession!

Running a small business is an American dream for most, but they have been abandoned and forced to close under her watch. Jahana Hayes should no longer be in Office – plain and simple.


As you may already know, supporting small businesses is one of my main priorities if elected to Congress. I know they are the backbone of our economy, yet they receive no support.

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet with small business owners that were on the verge of closing up shop. I listened to the struggles that they had undergone and the financial hardships endured just to barely make even. I run my own small business, so trust me, I understand the issues!

I want every citizen to have the same opportunities I have been given to live their American dream. That is why I am running for Congress. I know that I am living proof of the American dream, and I can’t let it end with me. I hope you will chip in $10, $25, or even more to show your support today.

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I appreciate your help, Fellow American. I look forward to being able to serve this country with you on the team.

All my best,
Logan Logan
George S. Logan


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