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The Open Climate Campaign logo and wordmark animated to pop over a dewdrop caught on a forest floor.

Hello John!

👂 Have you heard about our NEW Open Climate Campaign?
Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL launched the Open Climate Campaign, funded by a new 4-year, $4-million (USD) grant from the Arcadia Fund. So what's it all about? 👀

Climate change is one of the world's most pressing challenges, but the knowledge and data about possible solutions, mitigations and actions to tackle it are often not publicly accessible.  We’re on a mission to change that.
Over the next 4 years, the Open Climate Campaign will be working hard to make open sharing research outputs the norm in climate science. To do this we will:

📢 Promote awareness among researchers about barriers to accessing climate change knowledge and the tools available to open up research outputs.

⚖️  Work with governments, funders and environmental organizations to create, adopt and implement equitable open access policies.

✍️  Identify, engage and contribute to draft international climate & biodiversity frameworks to include funder open access policy recommendations, and public benefits of open knowledge.

🔍  Seek out important existing climate & biodiversity research publications not already open access, and unbind those key publications to open more research.

🗣  Engage researchers, universities and policymakers from traditionally excluded groups and geographical regions to ensure inclusive outcomes throughout.

🙏 Our campaign will be most grateful if you can help us spread the word of this new initiative with your networks. Here are some things you can do to help:

Learn more about the campaign to #OpenClimate and join us to open climate and biodiversity research for all!


The CC Team love_cc

➤ CC Certificate Scholarships: GLAM

🏆 Are you GLAMorous? Calling everyone from gallery, library, archive or museum teams looking for professional development about open culture and digital preservation: Scholarships are available to join our CC GLAM Certificate course starting 26 Sep 2022. Register now and apply code: Y2GLAMSCHOLAR60% while tickets last. Learn more about CC certificates.

➤ Open Office Hours with the CC Legal Team

🎙 Join General Counsel Kat Walsh and Counsel Yuanxiao Xu to discuss legal issues related to CC licenses, CC0, and open sharing in general. Register at any time and get it on your calendar or join us at the last moment if your time frees up.

➤ *NEW* Open Minds 🎧

New Episode of “Open Minds…from Creative Commons”

CC's Open Minds podcast is a series of conversations with people working to make the Internet and our global culture more open and collaborative. In this month's episode of the show, Jennryn Wetzler, CC's Director of Learning and Training, talks all things Open Education and Inclusive Access Textbooks with Trudi Radtke, former Open Education Project Manager at SPARC.

▶️ Listen to Episode 20 featuring Trudi Radtke

➤ CC Resources and Updates

An orange Open Access logo and wordmark.

A Big Win for Open Access: United States Mandates All Publicly Funded Research Be Freely Available with No Embargo

Creative Commons celebrates this big news and shares what it means for the wider open community. 
Abstract image of oranges and blues.

CC still opposes mandatory filtering and so should you

As part of our key strategic goal of Better Sharing, we've taken a firm stance against mandatory content filtering on the internet, as the effects would be devastating to free speech, as well as the sharing of culture and knowledge.
A white globe icon showing the continents over an orange background.

Sharing Matters: What We’ve Learned at Creative Commons

In August, CC CEO Catherine Stihler celebrated her second anniversary. To mark this occasion, Catherine reflected on what CC has learned as we celebrates 20 years of facilitating the sharing of content around the world, and the pressing need for #BetterSharing. 
👋 Other updates: 
Stay up-to-date on our work by following @creativecommons or visiting the CC blog. You can also support our work by donating here!

➤ Eye Candy 🍭

A dewdrop caught on a forest floor, reflecting the sky and trees above.
Every month, we change our social media headers to a new openly licensed image.
This month, in celebration of the launch of the Open Climate Campaign, we adapted "Global Warming." by Paul VanDerWerf licensed under CC BY 2.0 by adding the Open Climate Campaign logo and a gray filter.

Download the original image here.

Help us make sharing better so we can build a brighter future
Donate to Creative Commons
CC BY 4.0

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