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Dear Friends,
2019 has been a big year for the Human Trafficking Institute! We could not have experienced such significant growth this year apart from the support of friends like you. Thank you for investing in freedom and partnering with us to decimate trafficking and restore justice.
This year included important highlights and exciting milestones in both Belize and Uganda. We watched our partner countries take far-reaching steps in the fight to decimate trafficking within their borders. Their hard work and dedication are bearing fruit, and we are so encouraged as we continue to support and work alongside them.  
For me personally, I was most encouraged by the raid and arrest of Bery Glaser, whose arrest and impending trial mark an important milestone in our work. We rejoice knowing that 11 underage victims are experiencing freedom thanks to the dedication and perseverance of police and prosecutors in Uganda. 
It is a privilege to partner with you in the fight against slavery, and we are grateful to celebrate our progress with you. From everyone on our team, we wish you happy holidays and hope that your season is filled with rest and joy. 
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The Human Trafficking Institute
2701 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 405
Fairfax, VA 22031