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Coalition to Protect America's Health Care

Welcome to our community of health care advocates. We’re committed to protecting quality care and keeping hospitals strong, and you couldn’t have joined at a better time.

Lawmakers continue to weigh proposals that could reduce health coverage and raise costs for many Americans. But we've spoken up in the past, and we're ready to do it again.

Changes to health care could have huge implications for every one of us. That’s why we want to hear directly from you: What is your biggest health care concern?

Take our one-minute survey

There’s still a long road ahead before we know what the future of our health care will look like — that’s why we want to know what motivates you. So take the one-minute survey and tell us: What concerns you most about potential changes to health care?

Thank you. We can’t wait to get you more involved in the fight to protect patient care in the weeks and months ahead.

Welcome to our community,

Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care

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P.O. Box 30211, Bethesda, MD 20824-0211