Dear John

Last week we saw astonishing scenes at the International Court of Justice. The Gambia brought forward charges of genocide of the Rohingya to the court. For the first time in more than 70 years, the Burmese military were facing charges in court for the human rights violations they commit.

The significance of this case was such that even though the case was only about human rights violations against the Rohingya, dozens of community organisations from many other ethnic groups in Burma voiced support for the case.

A total of 59 countries around the world support the case, but not the UK.

The Gambia is asking the International Court of Justice to issue a ruling that Burma must take action to prevent more rapes and more homes being burned, end policies to drive Rohingya out of Burma, and allow UN investigators into the country.

What possible reason can the British government have for not supporting this?

Please email British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, calling on him to support the case of genocide against Burma, and for an end to human rights violations against the Rohingya.

Thank you for your support.
Anna Roberts
Burma Campaign UK
The Gambia presents its case for genocide at the International Court of Justice.
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