Dear John,
LGBTIQ people across the world continue to be excluded, hated, and even killed purely for who we love or the gender we identify with. In all corners of the globe we are misunderstood, ostracized, seen as somehow “other”, a threat even.
As OutRight's Senior Communications Manager, it is my responsibility to challenge and change that. How? Through stories. Stories of the horrors and the challenges LGBTIQ people face on a day to day basis, stories of resilience, creativity, and successes on the road to equality, stories of individual LGBTIQ people, their lives, ambitions, loves, all showing that we are human, just like everyone else. Only through stories can we explain who we are, establish common ground with those who may misunderstand us, or inspire action from those who may not have seen a connection between them and us.
With little time left in this calender year, consider donating today to enable ever more stories of LGBTIQ people to change hearts and minds, and edge ever closer to LGBTIQ equality.
Because storytelling is at the heart of what I do, let me tell you mine.