Dear John,

Each new believer has their own personal story of salvation and new life as a sequel to accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour. One of our African teams found Miriam many years after she had given her heart to Jesus during a Mission in Kigali which focussed on sharing the Gospel with people affected by HIV/Aids.

Miriam told of her own story. “I heard about Jesus for the first time at a Mission by African Enterprise.  As soon as I accepted Christ as my Saviour I felt relieved and re-energised. I knew my life had been changed”. She added that prior to that, she had been very lonely and living a desperate life, scared for her future.

At the time of her commitment to follow Jesus, because of her specific circumstances, Miriam was invited by AE to join a community where she was taught to eat well and grow food. She was also given the opportunity to cooperate in the community farming chores and to this day feels she is in a group that is like family to her. She said that she enjoys working with her hands and having responsibility for the goat herd!

Soon after joining the community Miriam visited her doctor who was amazed at how well she was. The doctor asked her “What have you done?” and she replied “Do you know what? It’s because I got saved. I am part of a group and I feel happy”

Miriam finished telling her story by saying, “All of us here are so thankful because you shared God’s Word with us and helped us start this farm which is giving us a better life. We are able to help our families, send our children to school and teach them about loving God and living for Him. I am very proud of what I do here”

We give God all the glory and thanks for the transformation in this dear sister’s life! This is His work and we are only willing workers in the Lord’s Harvest – and so are you, because it is your prayers and financial support that enables us to reach out to many boys and girls, men and women with the good news of Jesus Christ.

This special story involves a deed of mercy in gathering people together to form a self-help community; and we rejoice in that. But although we are called to evangelise the cities of Africa with Word and Deed in partnership with the churches, our Missions don’t always provide help in this wonderful way. Our main focus is the Gospel of Jesus for we know that it is only through Him that people can find salvation as Acts 4:12 teaches us;

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Our most urgent need for funding is for Gospel proclamation and discipleship. There are literally millions of people all over Africa in need of hearing the Gospel and finding peace with God. We barely manage to work in 12 Nations whereas our founder Michael Cassidy’s vision was and remains that 53 nations be reached with the Gospel through African Enterprise. The appeal in this letter is for funds for Ministry, i.e. Gospel and Discipleship.

Will you join us in praying for this work and will you prayerfully consider supporting it financially, no matter how small or how large the gift may be?

May the Lord grant you and your family His richest blessings.

Yours in Christ Jesus



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