
The Inflation Reduction Act’s Impact

Three things everyone should know about the Inflation Reduction Act: with this law, the American people won and special interests lost. Here are the three things everyone should know: 1. Democrats are lowering health care, prescription drug, and utility costs for working families. 2. Democrats sided with the American people and Republicans sided with special interests. Every single Republican opposed requiring big corporations to pay their fair share, and lowering costs for families. 3. President Biden and Democrats demonstrated that the government can work for working families. Read President Biden’s full op-ed here.

Supporting Rural Communities:

  • Access and affordability are significant challenges across rural America and the Democrats understand and are working to address those challenges. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, 65 percent (1.3 million) of the 1.9 million uninsured rural Americans in states using the HealthCare.gov had access to a $0-premium health insurance plan for 2021. The Inflation Reduction Act will help keep free or low-cost health insurance available to rural Americans, with average savings of about $800 per person per year, while at the same time lowers prescription drug costs for seniors on Medicare.

Supporting Latino Communities:

  • High prices contribute to racial and ethnic health inequities. Among adults 65 and older, Latino Medicare beneficiaries were roughly 1.5 times as likely as White beneficiaries to have trouble affording medications, and about 2 times as likely to not fill needed prescriptions due to cost. For example, a recent study of shingles vaccination rates among older Americans showed non-Latino White Americans were over 2 times as likely to have received the shingles vaccine than Latinos, due in part to difficulty affording the shingles vaccine. The Inflation Reduction Act will help close the gap in access to medication by improving prescription drug coverage and lowering drug prices in Medicare.

Supporting Black Communities:

  • Almost 3.9 million Black people were uninsured in 2019 before President Biden took office and over 570,000 Black people fell into the Medicaid “coverage gap” and were locked out of coverage because their state refused to expand Medicaid. Since President Biden took office, the uninsured rate has reached a new historic law: 8% and 5.2 million of Americans have gained health insurance coverage. The Inflation Reduction Act continues the American Rescue Plan’s more generous Affordable Care Act premium tax credits.

Supporting Tribal Communities:

  • The Inflation Reduction Act includes investments for a Tribal Electrification Program for Tribes and Tribal organizations to provide electricity to unelectrified Tribal homes through zero-emission energy systems, and to transition electrified homes to zero-emission energy systems. The Inflation Reduction Act also provides additional investments for the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program, and increases loan guarantees for Tribal energy development from $2 billion to $20 billion.

Supporting AANHPI Communities:

  • According to the Small Business Administration, 2 million Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander-owned small businesses in the U.S. generate more than $700 billion in revenues and create 3.6 million jobs. The Inflation Reduction Act includes a number of provisions that will save small business owners money.

Supporting Young Americans:

  • This law represents the single most aggressive action the U.S. is taking to tackle the climate crisis and create clean energy solutions in American history. The law will bring down energy costs for families and create thousands of good jobs, all while reducing climate pollution and ensuring that we have a clean, secure future energy supply. The law would reduce about a gigaton (a billion metric tons) of greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 and position America to meet President Biden’s climate goals of cutting climate pollution in half by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by no later than 2050.

  • President Biden and Democrats rack up win after win: President Biden and congressional Democrats have beat special interests to deliver game-changing wins for American families including:

    • Inflation Reduction Act to lower prescription drug, health insurance, and energy costs, and fight inflation – all while reducing the federal deficit and finally making big corporations and billionaire tax cheats pay their fair share. 

    • CHIPS and Science Act to lower costs, create American jobs, and increase competitiveness with China.

    • PACT Act to ensure veterans get the health care benefits they’ve earned.

    • Gun reform for the first time in 30 years.

    • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to fix our roads and bridges. 

    • American Rescue Plan to get us out of the pandemic by creating millions of jobs, funding our vaccination campaign, and reopening our schools.

    • Gas prices are below $4 a gallon on average, and we have one of the best jobs markets in history as unemployment is matching a 50-year low.

By-The-Numbers Fact Sheet

Democracy Defense Briefing

Dear Guest,

We would like to invite you to join us for a Democracy Defense Briefing, taking place on Thursday, September 15 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. ET. This briefing will feature special guests DNC Chair Jaime Harrison as well as Geoff Garin of Hart Research who will discuss his research related to voter suppression and election subversion. Please RSVP here or at the button below for this virtual event. 

We welcome our friends in the civic engagement, voting rights, and voter protection spaces to participate. We must note that guests affiliated with a partisan organization must be on the coordinated side of federal campaign finance law OR must not work for an organization that engages in electoral activity in order to attend (please see the note below for more information). In addition, this will be a CLOSED PRESS event. 


*NOTE: All guests attending or participating in this event must either be operating on the “coordinated side” of federal campaign finance law OR must not work for an organization that engages in electoral activity. If you or your organization are involved in or are making “independent expenditures,” “electioneering communications,” other paid public communications concerning elections or that trigger coordination issues under 11 C.F.R. 109.21(c) (or analogous state campaign finance coordination laws) this cycle, or are otherwise engaged in GOTV or voter registration activities that cannot be coordinated with federal party committees and candidates, you may not attend, unless you are personally separated from that work by a firewall within your organization that satisfies the requirements of 11 C.F.R. 109.21(h) (or are otherwise structuring your activities later in the cycle so that you can coordinate with candidates and party committees at this time). By attending, you agree that you comply with these requirements and also agree that you will not share any information you obtain through this event with any person or entity on the “independent side” or that is engaged in communications and activities that cannot be coordinated with the DNC. Please reach out to your own counsel if you have questions about these legal requirements prior to the meeting.*

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