What you can do today to play a role in this fight

Friend, the next round of January 6 Committee hearings is expected to be announced soon, and there’s no underestimating the importance of this moment.
There are election result deniers on 60% of American ballots this fall, and officials in Georgia were caught on video tampering with voting equipment. [1, 2]
If we don’t follow through on holding the insurrectionists accountable for January 6, the rule of law will continue to be undermined and MAGA Republicans will be emboldened to further damage our democracy.
We need your support and action.
We’re holding weekly calls with progressive partners to guide you on how to push for insurrectionist accountability at every level of government: city councils, your governor’s office, and more.
Our next call is this Thursday, September 15 at 4:30pm ET; will you join us in the fight to uphold the rule of law? Register now >>
Thank you for being part of our team as we fight to protect our democracy!
In solidarity,
Thanks for all that you do,
Ben Jealous
People For the American Way
P.S. Your support provides the foundational strength in this fight – if you’ve already signed up to join, you can take your support even further with a contribution of any size. Donate now >>

[1] "60 Percent Of Americans Will Have An Election Denier On The Ballot This Fall." FiveThirtyEight, 9/12/22
[2] "Security footage shows Georgia county Republican chair, election official present during breach of voting equipment." PBS News Hour, 9/6/22
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THANK YOU for your support of People For the American Way! This email was sent to [email protected]. Reaching you over email is the best way we have to let you know about the ways you can take action to fight the Right Wing and defend our constitutional rights and values. If you have any thoughts, comments, or criticisms, or if there's a better email address at which to reach you, please let us know>> If you'd like to unsubscribe from our list, you can do that here>>
Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.
People For is fighting back every day with:
✔ Grassroots organizing
✔ Lobbying and advocacy
✔ Research and education
✔ Voter mobilization
✔ And more…
But we can’t do this vital work without the robust grassroots financial support of our members and activists.
Please help fund the fight for progress and stand against right-wing extremism with an urgently needed donation to People For today>>
