Is it already September?
Yes, it’s already September and we’re just 56 days away from the midterm elections and 111 days away from the new year. That means we’re running out of time to fund our election guides and meet our Road to 10k funding goal.
At our Friday staff meeting, our team was excited to discuss just how close we are getting to obtaining our 10,000th ID. We’re helping to equip people with the tools that they need to vote and for life!
One of these people is Edward. He is a retired veteran who was living in a transitional home when he met us. He’d been incarcerated and had no access to any of the documents that he needed to get an ID or apply for state benefits. After months of phone calls, we were finally able to get him the birth certificate required for him to get his state ID. Now he is situated in veterans housing and has applied for the services that he’ll need to get back on his feet.