Friend, I have never felt more hopeful than I do now. Recent polling has us beating Governor DeSantis. This is some of the most up-to-date data available — and it shows that we’re winning.

See for yourself:

St. Pete Polls
Charlie 45%, Gov. DeSantis 44%

“DeSantis does not crack 50% against Crist…. a red flag [for DeSantis]”

Listener Group
Charlie 50%, Gov. DeSantis 49%

That’s right, friend.

I always believed that once Florida got to know the truth about Governor DeSantis’ record — and my love for the beautiful state of Florida — that we could win this race. Now with this latest polling, it’s clear we’re making it happen.

But in a race this close, every vote counts.

That’s why I’m hoping I can count on your support today. My campaign manager tells me we need 680 donations in the next 24 hours to stay on top of our benchmarks. This is essential to keep our momentum going.

It’s because of your support that we pulled ahead in the primary election, friend. And it’s only with your support that we’ll keep this lead going into the final months of the general election. Please, split a contribution between my campaign and Debbie Stabenow so our movement can keep growing.

$25 »
$50 »
$100 »
Other »

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

- Charlie




Stabenow for Senate is only soliciting donations of up to $2,900 per election from individuals and other federally permissible sources. Stabenow for Senate is not soliciting any funds in excess of that amount or any funds from corporations, labor organizations, or any federally prohibited sources.



Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.
Stabenow for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 4945
Lansing, MI 48826
United States


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