SPUC One-Day Conferences: Birmingham, London & Glasgow
Dear Supporter,

I am pleased to inform you that this October, SPUC will be hosting three one-day conferences! Whilst we'd usually have just the annual National Conference, with our support-base growing, we decided to host three conferences this year. The first one is in Birmingham on Saturday 8th October, the second is in London on Saturday 22nd October, and the final one is in Glasgow on Saturday 29th October. Each conference will be in a centrally located conference centre, with the specific venue to be announced closer to the time.

The conference theme is centred on, but not limited to, SPUC's trailblazing campaign: Abortion and Coercion. As for speakers, you will be hearing from some of SPUC's favourites: Dr Greg Pike, Fiorella Nash and Sharon James.

Further information will be made available and the ability to book on the website made possible in due course, but for now, please email katherinehampton@spuc.org.uk or call 01892 542 616 should you need further information or should you be ready to book.

So after a three-year conference hiatus, make sure to book your place to reconnect with fellow supporters and the numerous SPUC staff that will be in attendance, old faces and new!

I hope to see you there!
Best regards,
John Deighan
Chief Executive
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