What better way to end the year than with a celebratory look back at the top moments that made 2019 a special year for Girls Inc. 

Enjoy and cheers to what's next in 2020!

Teamed up with CBS for a special Super Bowl PSA

Millions tuned in when Girls Inc. "took the field" at the 2019 Super Bowl LIII.

Welcomed Stephanie as our new President & CEO

Dr. Stephanie J. Hull, a leader in education and women's advocacy, joined Girls Inc. in June.

Advocated for safer, more equitable schools for girls

We rallied supporters around the Gender Equity in Education Act to mark the one-year anniversary of the #GirlsToo campaign. Thank you for taking action!   

Engaged young people in our nationwide Teen Talk series

Teens from coast to coast shared how sexual harassment and violence impacts them and their communities in the #GirlsToo Teen Talk series

Showcased success and growth in our Annual Report

Findings on how Girls Inc. is expanding services and strengthening our affiliates' capacity are published in our 2019 Annual Report

Witnessed our girls speak their minds

Our girls took center stage and shared their individuality through opportunities with partners MAC Cosmetics, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and more!

Girl leaders visited Capitol Hill

The Girls Inc. Teen Advocacy Council gathered in Washington, D.C. to voice their concerns to members of Congress.

National news outlets covered the #GirlsToo campaign

We built on the conversation in the press so more people know that sexual harassment and violence affects girls too. 

Hearts on Fire offers girls mentoring opportunities & collaborations

We are thrilled to highlight our partnership with Hearts On Fire, who has designed a collection of diamond jewelry in support of Girls Inc.

Hearts On Fire has also committed to help increase awareness and generate interest for Girls Inc. through a variety of efforts including employee involvement at local Girls Inc. locations.

Earlier this year, Hearts On Fire and girls from our Lynn, MA affiliate worked together to design the new capsule collection, collaborating every step of the way from initial concept to generating CAD (computer animated design) models of the designs, 3D printing the molds, and creating the finished jewelry. Additionally, the girls were exposed to marketing and sales techniques to promote the collection. To learn more about the collaboration and the collection–click here.