
It's the last 24 hours...

Be a part of TheyWorkForYou's crowd

We're helping you keep the new Parliament accountable. Now we need your help in return.

For the last 25 days, we've been asking for donations to help keep TheyWorkForYou running. Today, our crowdfunder ends.

If you want to be part of the crowd keeping TheyWorkForYou going, today is the day.

 Make a donation now 

Hundreds of you have answered our call, donating to help us keep providing the tools that you need to hold your representatives to account.

We couldn't be more grateful — there's enough raised to help us carry on providing the same services for almost another year.

But, if we're to build new features and introduce improvements to the site, we need a little more. If you are able, please help us make Parliament clearer for everyone.

And if you can't donate right now, then you can also help by sharing the link to the crowdfunder far and wide. But hurry! Today is the last day.

Thank you very much.

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