John, Common Cause members like you are volunteering in droves to protect voters this fall. Will you make sure we can support this unprecedented volunteer effort?
With your help, we’ve already scaled up our nonpartisan voter protection campaign — the largest in the country — like we’ve never done before in a midterm election.
I’m glad we are — because we simply must respond to the extreme, far-right politicians in states like Georgia and Texas who are working to suppress voters and take away our rights.
And fortunately, their outrageous actions have inspired thousands of people to step forward — signing up to be trained, non-partisan voter assistance volunteers at some of the most-impacted polling places.
The result? Already, thousands of Americans who might not have been heard without your support have been able to cast their ballots freely and without interference. Now, I need your help John, so we can scale up this historic effort to go even bigger in November.
Why? Because Common Cause is a crucial line of defense against the extremists who want to wreck our democracy and silence our voices with their anti-voter conspiracy theories.
So many volunteers are pouring in that we’ve had to update our projections for November. We want to be sure every volunteer gets the training and support they deserve, because we’ll need all hands on deck for this election.
John, just look at some of the risks we’re tracking — and how our volunteers are fighting back:
We’re working to place thousands of volunteers at high-risk polling places across the country, where they defend voters against suppression and intimidation, and if necessary, escalate incidents for legal action.
In some states, roving monitors check on multiple voting sites throughout the day — making sure any polling place setup issues are caught early, before they risk access to the ballot.
We’re working with local and state organizers across the country to recruit poll monitors to serve in their own communities — with the language fluency and community connections that will help their efforts go even further.
Building a program of this scale isn’t easy. We’re training volunteers in the nuances of each state’s unique rules around ballot access, building out dozens of different training programs to ensure our volunteers are prepared for the needs of their communities.
And as we get closer to the general election in November, we’re powering up a giant rapid-response infrastructure: ready to respond to any reports of issues during early voting or on Election Day, when every minute counts.
John, all across the nation, members like you have volunteered to protect voters in their community. Will you chip in $3 or more today as we tackle this challenge together? >>
John, we’ve fought against voter suppression and intimidation for years — and we know that responding with trained, non-partisan, and pro-voter volunteers makes a HUGE difference in ensuring a voter casting their ballot on election day.
Let’s make sure that every volunteer gets the training they need, and the support they deserve.
Thanks for all that you do,
Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections,
and the team at Common Cause