Hello Atlantic Mackerel Stakeholders This evening (September 12), Maine DMR will be hosting a public hearing on a proposed rulemaking for Atlantic mackerel recreational measures. Details about the public hearing are below and interested parties can attend in-person or remotely via Microsoft Teams.
A copy of the proposed rulemaking package can be found HERE. A description of the proposed changes is below. Chapter 52-Atlantic Mackerel: This rulemaking proposes to establish a 20-fish per person per day recreational take and possession limit for Atlantic mackerel. Atlantic mackerel caught on a recreational, party, or charter vessel can be pooled in one or more containers; compliance with the 20-fish limit will be determined by dividing the number of Atlantic mackerel onboard by the number of persons onboard. Atlantic mackerel caught recreationally may be communally stored in dockside bait pens. Mackerel purchased from a lawful bait dealer with proof of receipt do not count towards the 20 fish possession limit. Similarly, chunked frozen mackerel do not count towards the 20 fish limit. Individuals who hold a commercial pelagic and anadromous fishing license are exempt from the possession and take limit. Further, the possession limit does not apply to several commercial licenses including lobster and crab fishing licenses, finfish licenses, and wholesale and retail licenses issued by the Maine Department of Marine Resources. The comment deadline for this proposed rulemaking is September 22, 2022. Comments may be submitted at the public hearing or via written comment.
For additional questions about the Atlantic mackerel proposed rulemaking, please contact Megan Ware at 207.446.0932 or [email protected]