Join us for Moral Monday in Jackson Mississippi!

Dear John,



As of today, 175,000 Jackson, Mississippi residents are living without clean drinking water. This devastating statistic stands on top of the 1.3 million residents in Mississippi who are poor or low-income, 48% of the state’s population. It goes without saying, clean water is a human right! Somebody is hurting Jackson and WE WON’T BE SILENT ANYMORE!


Tune in LIVE tomorrow night at 7:30P CT/8:30P ET for a Mississippi Moral Monday: Nationwide Speak Out against the Jackson Water Crisis. Led by National Poor People’s Campaign Co-Chairs, Bishop William J. Barber II & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, we’ll hear from Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba and 7 resident families introduced by PPC National Organizer & Jackson resident, Danyelle Holmes. Partnered with Roland Martin & the Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition.


Access the livestream at, our Facebook Page: @anewppc or on Twitter: @UniteThePoor 


Forward Together, Not One Step Back!


Poor People's Campaign Team