In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
The Church of England has said Stephen Cottrell, the new archbishop of York, "upholds the teaching of the Church of England that recognises marriage as being
between one man and one woman" in response to criticism from some evangelicals.
Catholic bishops in Northern Ireland have outlined their opposition to allowing any abortion provisions to be made available in schools in a move which has
been backed by the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools.
David Toube calls for a proper understanding of the nature and the shape of anti-Muslim bigotry and conspiracism, rather than dismissal of it, in response to
a recent column by Melanie Phillips.
The US Supreme Court has agreed to consider the separation of church and state in a case testing the right of religious schools to fire teachers despite job
discrimination claims.
The German cabinet has approved a bill to ban the advertising or offering of "conversion therapy" to transgender and gay people. The proposed legislation was
expanded to include 16- to 18-year-olds.
Jewish groups have welcomed the decision to formally remove a Belgian street carnival depicting big-nosed Charedi Jews from a United Nations list of
"intangible cultural heritage".
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