Please pray that 100,000 will receive Christ in 2020 through AE and your support

A rich harvest in Ethiopia

Community work in Rwamagana

Dear John,

Following my recent experience on mission, I am so encouraged to have witnessed the faithful ministry of the teams in Africa amidst such diverse and pressing needs and I am overjoyed to see how well you have equipped them and the effectiveness of this ministry.  I saw first hand that people in Africa didn’t realise their thirst for the Gospel until they met the Foxfires youth evangelistic team, or realise the importance of making that decision for Christ until they met God first hand in the streets through the evangelists you have helped equip.   

Our focus as we move into the new year includes expanding our mission work in Togo, Benin and Zambia, as well as implementing a much greater focus on preservation of new believers. Our development work in 2020 will particularly centre on the self-empowerment groups, helping kids recover from malnourishment and providing new hope to families to sustain themselves in the future.

Training pastors has never been more important, and we have a three-pronged approach to training with Bible essentials from our own consolidated history, and partnerships with Bible colleges both here and in Africa.

Thanks to the generosity of supporters, we are rapidly catching up on the missions shortfall. However we are still behind around $35,000 to help pay for the upcoming Arba Minch mission in Ethiopia, and some of the salaries of staff in the field.

Your work supports evangelists such as Mary, whom I met in Cape Town. A mission volunteer who raised funds to travel from Kenya, Mary combined forces with other evangelists to pray from very early in the morning to win souls throughout the day in our city outreach. The incredible faith and witness, that you are supporting, is bringing 100,000 people a year to Jesus with your support.

Your support also enables us to create the self help commununites such as in Rwamagana Rwanda, which one of the community health and empowerment volunteers Janette said. “AE is like a parent to us and we a growing child. We want to expand our model and teach many more people in Rwanda. We thank God for all that He makes possible through your prayers and financial support.”

The core of Ethiopia remains Christian, however the border areas are increasingly controlled by Islamic forces influenced by the bordering Muslim countries. Help us to give freedom in Christ to this country, to be able to proclaim the Gospel without fear or threat, and to give people hope of a true belief in places of persecution.

As we move into this Christmas period, please prayerfully consider helping us to give the eternal gift of life to the lost in Africa. You are making such a difference in partnership with us, and I would like to encourage you to maintain focus on winning people to Jesus in Africa.

Please click here to give the gift of choice and eternal life to people in muslim dominated areas of south Ethiopia.  Thank you if your gift has already been received - you are amazing. Thank you.  

God bless

Ben Campbell

CEO African Enterprise


PS: Please click through from the donations page to the stories to see how your gifts are changing lives today.

To credit directly into our missions account, please use the following and include your name and State/Territory.

Missions Account: BSB: 062217  Account number: 10084527

A&D Account (tax deductible)  BSB: 062217  Account number: 10084535


Grace and peace be with you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

African Enterprise Missions Team

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PO Box 1584 , Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113