
I came to Congress to protect every person's right to affordable health care, fight for working families, and combat our climate crisis.

I didn't come to Congress to impeach the President.

But Congress is one of three equal branches of government, and I take very seriously its duty to act as a check and a balance on the presidency. We have seen compelling evidence that our president abused the power of his office for his own personal political gain, at the expense of our national interests. His actions undermine our democratic elections and compromise our national security.

When faced with an investigation into bribery, our president put himself above the law by asserting executive privilege and blocking the investigation at every turn. Throughout, he undermined, denigrated, and intimidated civil servants and career diplomats who have devoted their lives to serving our country.

To this day, our president either does not understand or does not admit that pressuring a foreign government to help win an election was wrong. To the contrary, he has shown that this is a pattern of behavior that will continue unless we put an end to it.

As a physician and scientist, the people of the 8th Congressional District elected me to make evidence-based decisions. Given all the facts laid out before the House during the inquiry, it became clear to me that impeachment is the only remedy. That is why today, I voted with the majority of my colleagues in the House of Representatives to impeach the president.

Our children will reflect on this moment for years to come. They will consider which of us stood up to preserve a strong democracy, and whether we were brave enough to put country over party. They will think about who were upstanders, who were bystanders, and who were enablers.

I hope we never have to impeach another president. Our vote tonight makes it far less likely that we will see such flagrant abuses by a future leader. We have established clear boundaries and a balance of powers.

Thank you for standing with me.

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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