"The Democratic Party, by not allowing this resolution to come to the floor, is complicit in the railroading of democracy itself," said former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner.
"We've got to get people in government who actually believe in government," said the Washington Democrat, "and who believe in democracy, believe in voting, believe in our Constitution."
Noting that "loss and damage from the climate crisis... is happening now, all around us," António Guterres, calls on governments "to address this issue at COP27 with the seriousness it deserves."
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Civic leaders know how to win debates, how to urge cracking down on corporate crooks, and how to expose waste, fraud, and other abuses that rile people up who often feel powerless.
If Congress establishes a permitting system that disempowers communities and weakens environmental protections, the clean energy industry build out will come at the expense of the most vulnerable in our society.