
Today several dozen unauthorized posters with homophobic innuendo containing our campaign logo were posted in Downtown Lincoln. See below. 

It's weird and low. While I proudly support the CDC and the LGBTQ community, it's pretty sad that my opponent Pat Condon and/or his supporters think these kinds of tactics are going to win the day. 

That being said, we do absolutely agree being fully vaccinated and following CDC guidelines is important! 

We are going to stay focused on talking about how we are going to ensure all residents of Lancaster County are safe while protecting your civil rights. 
Support our campaign today!
Thank you for your support and don't forget to get vaccinated! 

State Senator, District 46 
Candidate for Lancaster County Attorney 

Paid for by Adam Morfeld for Lancaster County Attorney
3637 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, NE 68503

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