Volume 72 | September 10th, 2022

This Week at the NYGOP

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Dear Friend,

We are all holding onto the warm days of summer, but the kids are back to school, and post-Labor Day officially marks the heat of campaign season. New Yorkers' attention is finally starting to shift to the November elections and nothing was a bigger wake-up call for parents than the sticker shock they got doing back-to-school shopping thanks to Bidenflation. 

Some school supplies are up double digits and kids' footwear is up nearly 8%. Clothes, books, and paper have all seen huge price spikes that are crushing parents on already tight budgets. 

Remember when Biden called inflation temporary? That was over a year ago and New Yorkers are fed up with Democrats' reckless spending, high taxes, and job-killing regulation. That's why it's no surprise that a recently released poll has our GOP nominee for governor, Lee Zeldin, just 4 points away from beating Hochul. This is HUGE. This pollster was the only one to peg last year's New Jersey governors race as close. 

But you don't even need a poll to know that Kathy Hochul is running scared. She's ducking debates and she isn't running ads touting her record--she's spending her millions of corrupt campaign money trying to smear Lee. A new story out this week revealed even more information about how Kickback Kathy gave a $637 million no-bid contract to her top donor, using YOUR tax dollars to pay double the value of the market rate for covid tests. We need to make sure New Yorkers understand that ALL taxpayers foot the bill for her corruption. While you are struggling under high taxes, high inflation, high gas prices, and high energy bills, Hochul is taking more and more of your tax dollars to give kickbacks to her top donors. 

I don't need to convince you that New York is going in the wrong direction, but it's our job every day until November 8th to talk to our fellow citizens about how we can get our state back on track and stop our residents from leaving. Spread the word: #Don'tFleeVoteLee. 


Nick Langworthy

NYGOP Chairman

9/11/01 Never Forget.

We will #NeverForget the devastating September 11th attacks on America. We continue to honor the sacrifice and resilience of every American on that day, including our brave first responders and the 2,996 lives tragically lost in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. 

WATCH: NYGOP Chairman Langworthy Joins La'Ron Singletary in Rochester

NYGOP Chairman Langworthy was in Rochester, NY to campaign with NY-25 candidate La'Ron Singletary where they renewed calls to restore law and order and support for small businesses amidst the growing violent crime wave.


Candidate Of The Week

Brandon Williams

Candidate for Congress







Brandon’s military career and entrepreneurial career have taken him and his family around this country, but they landed in Central New York in 2010. Together, Brandon and Stephanie started an agribusiness in the Finger Lakes region and participated in attracting tourist and economic development to our community.

Brandon is also a pioneer in innovation, founding a software company that now helps large industrial manufacturers modernize their production plants, secure their critical infrastructure from cyber attacks, and paves the way for reduced emissions through advances in artificial intelligence. His responsibilities with his company again required him to split-time between Central New York and California before hiring management to replace him as CEO in 2019.

Today, Brandon’s small software company is at an inflection point of growth, but he has made a courageous decision to step into this Congressional race to offer his leadership to help save our country. Unlike career politicians, he is willing to sacrifice to serve rather than simply advancing a political career.

Brandon brings his full experience of military service, education, entrepreneurship, and community service to the U.S. House of Representatives. His experience and skills will serve the citizens of NY 22 with a fresh perspective and with fresh ideas. An outsider has the best chance of winning this race, raising money, and turning the tide against the liberal Left. Please support Brandon for Congress NY 22 by volunteering, giving, and praying. Let’s win!

NYGOP Must See News:

Elderly man slashed in head by machete-wielding disturbed woman with slew of prior arrests

New York Post

Several Republicans blasted New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democrats after the attack, noting how state bail reform has made the charges Calhoun has faced non bail eligible. “Every New Yorker must ask their Democratic state lawmakers and Kathy Hochul why they are OK with machete wielding psychos racking up records of recidivism without the slightest hint of consequence,” Councilman Joe Borelli told The Post. “We are all paying the price so that woke politicians can say ‘we reduced the population of Rikers.’ Hooray for us!” Republican State Party Chairman Nick Langworthy said the “crime crisis will continue to rage out of control” unless voters demand change.

“Another victim of Kathy Hochul’s bail law is lying in a hospital bed from a violent, unprovoked attack,” he said in a statement. “New York City better wake up from their Democrat brain fog because the only way to stop this madness is to elect Lee Zeldin as governor”

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Lee Zeldin Within Single-Digit Margin of Flipping New York for GOP: Poll


GOP Representative Lee Zeldin is within a single-digit margin of winning the New York gubernatorial election, according to a new poll. A Zeldin victory would be viewed as a major upset against Governor Kathy Hochul, who succeeded former Governor Andrew Cuomo following his resignation last year, as New York is one of the most Democratic states in the United States. The race has generally not been viewed as competitive as Republicans seek to win governorships in more competitive states. A Trafalgar Group poll conducted from August 31 to September 1 found that Zeldin trailed Hochul by less than 5 percentage points. The survey marks the best polling for Zeldin in months, but still shows Hochul as the likely winner. Zeldin won support from 43.4 percent of poll respondents, while Hochul secured support from 47.8 of the respondents. The poll surveyed 1,091 respondents and has a margin of error of 2.9 percent.

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Save the Empire State – Vote for Lee Zeldin for Governor of NY

The Jewish Voice

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), is a highly effective congressman from Long Island. As the winner of the GOP primary race in which he was challenged by Andrew Giuliani and others Mr. Zeldin proved that his position on the bread and butter issues that impact our lives resonate strongly with New Yorkers. Rep. Zeldin has called for complete transparency and total accountability for all elected officials and has every intention of cleaning up the deplorable corruption that is endemic to those who govern us in Albany. Moreover, Mr. Zeldin not only seeks law abiding officials throughout the state, but plans to boldly confront the Albany hegemony which has failed to produce effective legislation on a panoply of issues that directly affect the lives of every New Yorker.

Let’s begin with crime. Mr. Zeldin is of the firm belief that the rule of law must take precedence in any civilized society and aims to restore the respect and admiration once shown to those who wear the uniform every day and go out and risk their lives to protect us and our families. He plans to call for federal support for local police, state troopers and others on the front line of defense. Despite the call to defund the police, Mr. Zeldin remains entrenched in his position that criminal bedlam must be confronted.

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How a Hochul donor received $637M in state payments

Times Union

Last December, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration received an offer to buy 26 million at-home coronavirus tests from a New Jersey-based distributor that happened to be a major campaign donor to the governor. The price offered by Digital Gadgets founder and CEO Charlie Tebele was $13 per test, far steeper than what other companies were proposing for similar rapid antigen tests. Hochul’s administration had just approved a deal with another firm to buy 5 million tests for just $5 each. Still, the Hochul administration quickly agreed to pay $338 million to Digital Gadgets at the higher per-test price. The state Division of Budget and Hochul’s office signed off on the deal on Dec. 20, the same day Tebele made the proposition. The Times Union reported in July that Tebele and his family members have donated nearly $300,000 to Hochul’s campaign, including $70,000 before last winter. That's when Hochul's administration signed two purchase orders to buy $637 million in tests. Tebele subsequently hosted a campaign fundraiser for Hochul in April, records show.

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Fed-up voters Leen Zeldin’s way in New York governor race

New York Post

Near the end of his press conference Tuesday, GOP gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin suggested to a reporter a theme for a “post mortem” article the day after the November election. He will have won, Zeldin predicted, because he talked about crime, taxes, education and things voters care about while Gov. Hochul talked about Donald Trump, or as he put it, “Orange Man Bad.” Even allowing for self-interest, Zeldin is onto something important. He’s running an intense, issue-focused campaign; Hochul is trying to run out the clock. The governor is employing a version of the Rose Garden strategy often used by incumbent presidents. In her case, Hochul apparently assumes that incumbency, combined with Democrats’ huge enrollment advantage, will be enough. And so her public appearances are mostly ribbon cuttings and other ceremonial events where she acts as if she’s too busy doing the job to bother with actual campaigning.  Meanwhile, she has refused to commit to any debates and uses her fundraising windfall to buy TV ads that link Zeldin to Trump. If she starts spouting “MAGA, MAGA, MAGA” in a lurid red light, you’ll know she’s gone full Joe Biden. 

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