
Vera Lindner’s daughter first identified as transgender in August 2020, a few months after COVID lockdowns took full effect. She was 14 years old, and a high-functioning autistic child.

Lindner believes her daughter was first exposed to the idea of gender identity in the 7th grade when she was given a “Genderbread” worksheet that claimed gender identity is separate from biological sex. 
“Children who have experienced trauma or adverse childhood experiences, who are neuro-divergent such as autistic or with ADD, ADHD are extremely susceptible to the transgender ideology,” Lindner, who spoke using a pseudonym, said. 

“Instead of the teachers and the doctors saying, ‘Okay, now let's get to the bottom of this. Let's see what's really bothering you. Why are you saying you're not a girl?’ the teachers and the doctors blindly affirm. They perpetuate this delusion.”
During the pandemic, her daughter and her friends watched TikTok videos for hours at a time. In her group of five female friends, one already identified as transgender. 

Bored and isolated at home, they started “nudging” each other to make up male names, use male pronouns, and take on a transgender identity.
Lindner hired a seasoned therapist, but after her daughter announced her transgender self-identification shortly after, the therapist started referring to her daughter as a boy.

Worse, Lindner said the therapist perpetuated her daughter’s confusion by telling her that testosterone would bring her ‘gender congruity’. She also instructed her to call her parents’ insurance to ask if she was eligible for testosterone… at the age of 14.
These ideas, Lindner said, led her daughter to fall into a mental breakdown, which exemplified itself as a severe depression. 
“My teen was in her room all day long, lying on the floor, catatonic with the cell phone in her hands, watching TikTok videos,” she said.

When Lindner asked the therapist to help her daughter minimize the time she spends on social media, the therapist did the opposite. She told Lindner: “[Your daughter] has a broken heart. She has to soothe herself and distract herself with social media.”

Now, Lindner is speaking out about the “trauma” and “catastrophic ruin” that gender ideology has caused her family to warn other parents before it happens to them.

Please share this with your friends and loved ones to warn them about this threat to children.

Kelsey Bolar
Executive producer of the film