
Today marks only the third time since our country’s founding that a sitting president has been impeached by the House of Representatives.

No president in history has done so much damage to our institutions, to our Constitution, or to our values. When our Founders expressed their fear of foreign interference in our elections, even they must never have imagined that a U.S. president would solicit and sanction it. And all our past presidents, even those under impeachment inquiries themselves, ultimately respected the Constitutional responsibilities of Congress; by obstructing testimony from members of his Administration, President Trump has flagrantly violated them.

I swore an oath, as a United States Marine and as a Member of Congress, to protect and defend the Constitution unconditionally. Today, that oath compelled me to vote to impeach President Donald Trump. The standards to which we hold the president today set the precedent for future presidents and future generations. History will judge whether, in this time of great division, our leaders put our country first and upheld the American principles of our government: that all are created equal, that no one is above the law, and that we are all responsible for building a freer and more perfect union.

This is not a happy day for our country, and it should remind us that the consequences of coming up short in the 2016 election have been severe—for our country, for our Constitution, and for our future.

Admiring the leadership of the national security Democrats who signed the pivotal impeachment op-ed in the Washington Post, we must address this moment, and then look to 2020 and beyond. We have to put in the work now so that we win the future. We have to do everything we can to get our country back on track, to rebuild the institutions Trump has attacked, and to ensure that only men and women of the highest character become our elected leaders.

Thank you,


P.S. Rush a contribution today to our More Perfect Union fund, which we will use to help elect Democrats who are proven leaders across the country in 2020.