[Header with Vote Forward logo]([link removed])
Dear friend,
Over on our social media channels, we share Big Sender shout outs, where we celebrate our volunteers and the progress we’re making together toward The Big Send’s 10 million letter goal. In case you missed them, we wanted to share a few recent Big Sender shout outs with you!
["Letter that reads "An important election is coming up on Tuesday, November 8. Are you ready to vote? I vote because voting is a hard-won right, and a way that my (and your!) voice can be heard and represented. I hope my vote is part of making my community a safe place where everyone has what they need. November 8 is your last chance to make your voice heard in this election. Will you please join me as a voter? I'm not asking you to support specific candidates, only to vote. Thank you! Sincerely, Linda"]([link removed])
Linda is working toward a goal of writing 100 letters before the mail date.
[Cardboard box of letters sitting on a floor]([link removed])
Renee has already written 960 letters to voters this year.
[Pile of letters with green writing and liberty bell stamps]([link removed])
Kate wrote each of these letters for our recent Vote Forward Labs campaign for MN-01.
[Volunteers sit around a long table writing letters]([link removed])
The Big Senders at Chalice Unitarian Congregation are working toward a goal of 13,000 letters for the year.
[Steve peers over a large pile of letters he's written so far this year]([link removed])
Steve has written 1,100 letters toward his personal goal of 2,500 letters for The Big Send.
These volunteers, and so many more, are writing to voters now, storing their letters somewhere safe, and mailing them on The Big Send mail date on October 29. [Help get closer to that 10 million letter goal by downloading a batch of letters today!]([link removed])
If you’d like to keep up with our Big Sender Shoutouts as they happen, follow us on [Twitter]([link removed]), [Instagram]([link removed]), and [Facebook]([link removed]).
Thank you for your hard work to encourage more participation in our democracy.
—The Vote Forward Team
P.S. Are you writing Vote Forward letters with a future voter (child, grandchild, etc.) in your life? We would love to hear about your experience! [Complete this short survey]([link removed]) to help us learn more.
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
[Make a donation]([link removed])
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