A message from the Colorado Republican Party
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Hello Colorado Republicans -

This week, we hit 60 days until Election Day! Our candidates and their teams are door knocking, calling, sending texts, mailing postcards, and fundraising every day. I'll be joining Senator Rob Woodward, HD50 candidate Ryan Gonzalez, and CD8 candidate Senator Barb Kirkmeyer to knock doors on Saturday. I hope you have set aside some weekends and evenings to walk or call, too! 

I plan to be in multiple districts across the state with our candidates from now until November 8th, and I hope you'll join me.

To get plugged in to walk and call days, you can reach out to Tommy at [email protected] or Andrew at [email protected]As much as possible, we are walking as teams, promoting all Republican candidates in the area.

A couple other events you may be interested in --
1) Our Vice Chairwoman Priscilla Rahn has organized an Engage to Win Workshop with Melanie Sturm on Sunday, September 18th from 1-4pm at the Independence Institute. This will be a message persuasion workshop for activists who are talking to voters. You can reach out to Priscilla for more info at [email protected].

2) Our friends at Independence Institute are throwing a party on September 29th to celebrate and honor Governor Jared Polis for all the “pro-business, libertarian” work he has done for the state. Before you roll your eyes and click delete on this email, read just a little bit more. Independence is only charging 10 cents, just one thin dime for this event, but with all the “Polis created fees” the full price is $35! You can find out more and RSVP HERE.

Polling across Colorado shows that multiple key races are very close, and Republicans CAN win again in our state. But, they do need volunteers and resources to make it happen. Please jump in wherever you can -- walking, calling, talking to your Unaffiliated and Democrat friends, making sure Republicans vote, and donating. Even $25 or $50 for your local Republican candidate makes a big difference.

Thanks for being on our team!

Chairwoman | Colorado GOP
Upcoming Events
Candidate of the Week: Savvy Wolfson for HD26
Savannah Wolfson, aka Savvy, is running for House District 26. She’s a homeschool mom and third-generation military spouse living in South Routt. She knows firsthand what it’s like to buy gas and groceries, what it’s like to be the victim of crime, and how the state leadership treats rural Colorado. Her opponent wants to get rid of Tabor and put CRT in all of our schools. Savvy is one of the hardest working candidates running for the Colorado State House, and her seat is one of the most targeted as well. It’s a swing district, and a great race to invest in. When Savvy wins, we all win.

Learn more and donate to Savvy below: 
>> Learn more & donate

A diverse slate of Republican candidates hopes to reach the Colorado Capitol — and prove the party is more than ‘old white men’

CPR: Dan Montoya never thought he’d be running for the state legislature. He served 20 years in the Marines and, up until last January, he says he’d spent his entire adult life as an unaffiliated voter, avoiding politics.

“For me, politics was a non-issue,” he said recently while attending the opening of a GOP Hispanic outreach center in Thornton. “That was not anything we talked about. As a matter of fact, you steered clear.”

But living through the pandemic changed things for Montoya. He describes himself as a concerned parent, one who believes schools need to be more transparent about their policies, and that parents should have a stronger voice in their children’s education.

The state party under chair Kristi Burton Brown has made a concerted effort to identify and encourage new types of candidates, like Montoya, to run for the statehouse. 

Burton Brown, the first woman to head the Colorado GOP, said the diversity of this year’s candidates is a point of pride, one that “kind of pushes back on the narrative that all Republicans run is old white men.”  

>> Read More

Colorado legislator accuses Polis of profiting from legislation he signed, using his office for gain

Colorado Politics: A state senator has called for an investigation into whether Gov. Jared Polis personally profited from legislation he signed, including Colorado’s legalized sports books, and whether state agencies have furthered promoted his real estate interests, The Denver Gazette has learned.

In a stinging 6-page letter sent Tuesday to the Legislative Audit Committee of the General Assembly, Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg accused Polis of “real and actual conflicts of interests that are going unchecked and are unaccountable.” He called for changes to state law that would require more detailed disclosures of the governor's business interests.

Sonnenberg, R-Sterling, also said Polis has not fulfilled a campaign promise to place his business interests into a blind trust to avoid the appearance of impropriety or personal gain, as U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper did when he served as governor and Denver’s mayor.

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Articles To Read
>> Colorado Politics: GOP secretary of state candidate Pam Anderson backed by former election officials of all stripes

>> Fox News: Colorado GOP Senate nominee O'Dea aims to target federal bureaucracy, push border security, energy dominance

>> GJ Sentinel: Some Dems not expected at Club 20 debates

>> Colorado Springs Gazette: Colorado Springs police seize 230 fentanyl pills in drug bust

>> Washington Free Beacon: Republicans Set Sights On Hispanic Vote In Colorado

>> Washington Examiner: Colorado's sleeper Senate race just got real

>> Fox 31: Ganahl, analysts weigh in on Polis campaign ad

>> Fox News: Downtown Denver bans food trucks to crack down on crime

>> KJCT News: Colorado DAs unveil data dashboards on prosecutions
Paid for by Colorado Republican Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.cologop.org

Colorado Republican State Party
5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado  80111
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