John, Today marks one year since the FDA missed a court-ordered deadline to decide what e-cigarettes can stay on the market. The result: Egregious, kid-friendly, flavored products remain widely available, addicting more and more kids every day. |
Background Under a federal court order, the FDA faced a deadline of September 9, 2021, to finish reviewing e-cigarette marketing applications and decide what products could stay on the market. The FDA missed this deadline. In a positive step, the FDA has denied marketing applications for over one million flavored e-cigarettes. However, the FDA has yet to issue decisions about many of the e-cigarette brands that have the largest market share or are most commonly used by youth. The FDA has also missed other deadlines and opportunities to protect kids from flavored, nicotine-loaded e-cigarettes, including deadlines set by Congress to review marketing applications for products made with synthetic nicotine. Action Needed The FDA’s missed deadlines and inaction are unacceptable and harmful to our nation’s kids and public health. Every day the FDA fails to act, it allows tobacco companies to continue addicting our kids with flavored e-cigarettes that deliver massive doses of nicotine. To protect our kids and truly end the youth e-cigarette epidemic, we’re calling on the FDA to swiftly complete its review of e-cigarette marketing applications and deny applications for all flavored e-cigarettes, including menthol-flavored products, given the clear evidence that flavored products fuel youth use. |
To illustrate the problem, our team collected photos of these products at stores across the country this summer. |
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