We wanted to be sure you saw the news: Julie’s race is now a dead heat, with the latest polling showing her only 1 point ahead of her GOP opponent. Chip in now to help!

Let us remind you what kind of guy we’re dealing with.

Our opponent is on the extreme fringe of the GOP, a self-described Trump election lawyer. His claim to fame infamy, is that he stalked an election judge in 2020, and he still doesn’t have any idea what the State Auditor’s job is.

He’s not a guy that Minnesotans can trust to protect more than $60 billion of mostly local taxpayer money – he’s just not up for the job.

We need your help ASAP! With this new poll out, we need to up our ad buys and make sure voters know what’s at stake here. Please, chip in $50 or more today!

This isn’t a race that Democrats can afford to take for granted. Julie has been hard at work crisscrossing the state and doing everything she can to connect with Minnesotans.

She can’t do it alone.

Can we count on you to power our grassroots campaign?

Thank you!
Team Blaha


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States