John --

Today, the Democratic Leadership and virtually the entire Democratic Caucus are planning to impeach President Donald Trump.

As you well know, I strongly oppose this on many grounds.

First, this impeachment process has never been about determining guilt or innocence. Guilt has been presumed for over a year by most Democrats and the President was afforded limited due process during the proceedings.

Second, the players involved here are highly suspect, to say the least. Speaker Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler all have engaged in a highly political effort based solely on damaging or removing the President. There was no evidence at all of quid pro quo. Of all the documents and witnesses, there is not one instance of an individual having the knowledge or any record of the President or his staff indicating there be an offer made to Ukraine for an investigation into the Biden family for something in return. This is why we called this entire impeachment process a SHAM.

The bottom line is that these articles of impeachment are ridiculous. Upon reading them today, this is nothing more than a presumption of guilt and the presumption that the President did something he did not do.

Folks, the Democrats over the past year have proven that they cannot be trusted to lead. Their policies are socialist and the House Democrat leadership has weaponized, for the first time in our nation’s history, impeachment for political purposes.

The only way we can stop this from reoccurring is by winning back the U.S. House and reelecting President Trump. This campaign starts and ends in Pennsylvania.

We must raise the funds necessary to get the facts out and assure that the Democrat machine does not overwhelm our information with their disinformation. One of the most important ways  for you to help is to contribute to our campaigns so we can fight back.

Click here, or on the image below, to support both President Trump and me by donating to our campaigns. Every donation will be distributed equally between our campaign and the President’s re-election campaign. 

I promise you that we will be fiscally conservative and utilize these funds prudently but effectively. The bottom line is that we need your help to win back the U.S. House and ensure we reelect President Trump in 2020.

Thank you and I wish you a blessed Christmas and holiday season,


Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 11512, Harrisburg, PA 17108, United States
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