
Make no mistake, a Republican takeover is not guaranteed. The Democrats are doing everything they can to depress Republican turnout and the national media is backing them up by trashing our candidates and holding up Biden as some tremendous hero…

Don't believe a word of it. Don't flinch. Don't blink. Fight to the finish line for every vote and we will take the House and the Senate.

Biden and the Left are not surging, they aren’t experiencing the revival they claim, but we still have to fight everyday and every week to defeat the forces aligned against us - we are counting on the grassroots to see us through to victory!
If we want to see Republicans make headway in these next couple of months, we must continue to reach more voters, buy more yard signs, expand our campaign ads, and host even more events.

We don’t have long until November is finally here, and I’m working around the clock to get out the conservative vote. While the Democrats rely on their mega donors and liberal media to shift the narrative, we need YOU to rush in your support to flip the House!
For Victory in November, 
Beth Van Duyne