Urgent: Stop Biden's Radical LGBT Agenda in Schools

Austin, TX –  September 9, 2022: On June 23rd, the Biden Department of Education proposed a federal rule to redefine "sex" in Title IX policies to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity." Title IX was originally passed by Congress to create equal opportunities in education and athletics for women and girls.

In other words, the Biden administration wants to use the federal rule-making process to take opportunities away from women and girls, weaken parental rights, and force an LGBT agenda in every public school.

Tell the Department of Education you oppose redefining sex in Title IX. The deadline to comment on this rule is September 12th at 5:00pm EST. The more comments submitted to this rule proposal, the more the process is slowed down. 

If this rule goes into effect as Biden plans, the Department of Education will be able to:

  • Force girls to share private spaces like showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms with biological males.
  • Allow students to file official complaints if they are not addressed by their preferred pronouns, even when those do not align with their biological sex.
  • Silence girls who express concerns about their privacy and safety.
  • Force girls to lose sex-specific scholarships to biological males.

There is good news, however! Your voice can make a difference! We have already seen tremendous opposition to this rule from the #SaveGirlsSports movement sweeping the nation.  

Keep the momentum going - your voice can make a difference!  Please submit a public comment opposing this rule by September 12th at 5:00pm EST.

Feel free to use the template email below as a starting point and customize your own message. Please consider adding your own personal stories, connections, and concerns in order to make the comment more unique.  The agency must respond to each unique comment. The more unique comments the better!


As a concerned citizen, I strongly oppose the Department's proposed rule to redefine the definition of "sex" in Title IX. 

This proposed rule forces young girls to share intimate spaces with biological males.

This proposed rule forces girls to give up their educational opportunities to biological males.

And this proposed rule tells girls that their objections and concerns with these policies will be silenced and ignored. 

I am also very concerned that this rule may be used by the Department to further their political interests by promoting LGBT curriculum in public schools across the country. As students are still recovering from the aftermath of the pandemic and are falling behind in basic academics, the last thing they should face in their schools is sexualized curriculum that serves a particular political agenda.

America's girls deserve better. I urge you to rescind this rule.


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