Wilson In the News
Xinjiang: A Region of Suspicion and Subjugation (The New Statesman)
Chinese authorities have long treated the region of Xinjiang and its people—the Uyghurs—with suspicion. Katie Stallard argues the abuses there can no longer be ignored in this must-read essay.
Russia and China Launch Joint War Games (Fox News)
“Russia doesn’t really want to be, in the long term, a sort of poor younger brother in a partnership with China. And China doesn’t want the albatross of all of Putin’s adventurism hung around its neck in every instance. But when they can have low-cost or no-cost unity, we’ll see unity.” -Robert Daly
Competing in the 21st Century: Is Geography No Longer Destiny? (National Interest)
“True, in our age of globalization geography is important, but it is no longer destiny; and competitive locales have the opportunity to pursue a dual strategy of economic development: upgrading their existing assets and advantages and developing and sustaining new ones. Miami is a prime example.” Read more from Global Fellow Jerry Haar.