Without your help I may have to cut back on ads in one or more of our targeted states. And that will make convincing thirty-four states to bypass Congress and call the term limits convention that much harder. That will make the professional politicians happy though. They know that without term limits they don't have to listen to ordinary people like you or me. Almost all of them know they have jobs for life. Only a small fraction of U.S. Representatives and Senators are defeated in any given election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been in Congress for nearly 33 years. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been in the senate since 1985! This madness has to end. We must have term limits. But to get them, our volunteers in the states need the resources to convince their state legislatures to call the Term Limits Convention. Please make an emergency donation today. As I mentioned, we are behind budget, state legislatures are coming back into session in just a few weeks. Please do what you can. Sincerely, Phil Blumel President |