AUMF repeal has already passed in the U.S. House
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In '01, Congress gave the President a blank check for war. 19 nations later, the House has reversed course Retweet
Today's Action: Repeal the AUMF
Downsize DC has signed a coalition letter to Congress, led by the Friends Committee for National Legislation. Our letter supports Rep. Barbara Lee's amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill - H.R.1274, Section 9025. 
This amendment would repeal the 2001 AUMF (Authorization to Use Military Force). This was the AUMF that permitted Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump to use military force all over the world in pursuit of "terrorists." They didn't have to bother asking Congress for further permission.
It's essentially a blank check.
The AUMF repeal amendment already passed the House!
Now, it must be approved by the Senate. We want you to send a slightly edited version of that letter to your own representatives. Please go read the letter and consider sending it.
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka, President
Downsize DC
P.S. The Action right now is in the Senate. After the Senate passes it, the House and Senate may have a "conference committee" to resolve any differences between the two bills. That's why this letter is going to your House Rep, as well. Your letter will also go to the President because you want him to know you support this amendment, so he doesn't veto it. |