John –

We wanted to be sure you saw this update from Chris ASAP. Julie Blaha’s race for reelection as our state auditor is even tighter than we knew. She has just a ONE POINT lead of her GOP opponent – I think you know this means we must respond.

Please, we’re counting on you to step up today and help us double down on all of our ad buys. We can’t afford to leave Julie’s re-election up to chance, donate today!

Thank you,
Team Blaha

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Kluthe, Team Blaha
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 8:18 AM
Subject: yikes!

John, even after telling you that this race is going to be uncomfortably close for months, it’s always a bit jarring to see it.

But that’s exactly what we saw last night when the KSTP/Survey USA poll for our race came out. Julie has a ONE POINT lead over her opponent.

Help us up our digital buys and respond quickly to this news. We need to make sure that voters across Minnesota hear Julie’s message!

As long as I’ve been on Team Blaha, I’ve heard people say that this race was all but won.

But yesterday’s poll shows that couldn’t be further from the truth.

We need to respond now and up all our ad buys to make sure that Minnesotans know they can count on Julie to protect their money and stand up for a woman’s right to choose.

Can I count on you to give at least $50 today?

Thank you!

Chris Kluthe
Minnesotans for Julie Blaha


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States