My name is Katie, I’m working to defeat Democrat Tammy Duckworth and get Conservative Kathy Salvi elected. In just a few minutes I’m going to ask you to donate, but first I want to tell you why your support is so important right now.
Over the years Kathy has worked tirelessly, first as a public defender and most recently as a private business owner of over three decades all the while advocating for our God-given rights. As a proud woman of faith, Kathy has raised her children and as well as welcomed countless grandchildren into the world and taught them the word of God.
Tammy Duckworth on the other hand has spent her short time in the Senate ATTACKING our God-given rights. In the time since Tammy’s been in office, she's voted for countless tax increases, against securing the southern border, attacked gun rights, advocated for the most extreme pro-abortion legislation in history, and the list goes on and on.
It’s only been a few years since Tammy took office in 2017 and she has already proven to be a disastrous choice which is why I’m asking for your help to defeat her. Despite what the so-called “political-experts” might say, I know Kathy can win this race.
Remember, John, all the polls have been proved wrong over and over by voters and grassroots supporters these last few election cycles! It can certainly happen AGAIN!