NeW is celebrating 18 years.
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Hello John,

Eighteen years ago this month, I invited my college friends and peers around the University of Virginia through emails, fliers, and word-of-mouth to join me for a meeting of conservative women. This was the launch of what has become the Network of enlightened Women, known as NeW. Since then, we have grown to more than 60 college chapters, 5 professional network chapters, thousands of young women who have attended our national programs, and a team of women running our national events, all culminating in one of the top national networks of conservative young women. 
While these numbers paint a picture of NeW's impact, the stories of these women and the difference NeW has made to them throughout their college and young professional experiences is what makes NeW so important. Over the past 18 years, I have had the immense privilege of getting to know inspiring women that are doing incredible things. Here are just three of the amazing women I have had the chance to meet thanks to NeW.

Neetu Chandak Arnold joined her NeW chapter while attending Cornell University. As a chapter leader, Neetu pursued her passion for journalism through writing op-eds and media opportunities on Fox News. She was ultimately published in our book, She’s Conservative: Stories of Trials and Triumphs on America’s College Campuses and was one of three contributors to be featured on a Fox Nation special about her experience as a conservative woman in college. After graduation, Neetu joined the NeW Professional Network in Washington, DC and eventually started the NeW Philadelphia Professional Network chapter after moving there with her husband. We helped her make connections that led to her current job at the National Association of Scholars where she has become a leading expert on the student debt crisis.
“NeW provides the necessary support for conservative women to build confidence in holding and communicating their stances in an unfriendly society. By gathering like-minded students together, conservative women see that they are not alone in their views.” – Neetu Arnold
Jordan Davidson Boyd helped launch the NeW at Baylor University chapter in 2019. She participated in the inaugural class of the NeW Student Media Fellowship, which led to her first published op-ed in the Daily Wire. This program inspired her to follow her dreams of becoming a journalist. After graduating, she landed a position as a Staff Writer with The Federalist. Since her time on campus, Jordan has been a guest speaker for the Student Media Fellowship, sharing with fellows how her involvement with NeW helped land her dream job.

“NeW has helped me become a confident and informed conservative woman. Whether it was my time serving on the executive board for our chapter or my time in the NeW Student Media Fellowship, the opportunities and experiences that I gained through NeW are priceless!” – Jordan Boyd
Another exceptional young woman is Chloe Sparwath. Chloe joined the executive board of NeW at the University of Virginia in 2019. She quickly became President of the chapter as a third year. She worked with us as a summer intern in 2021 and participated in the NeW Student Media Fellowship, during which she had her first op-ed published. After graduation, she served as a press assistant in the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and traveled to Israel to study foreign affairs and politics. I’m thrilled to share Chloe recently joined our team here at NeW as a Campus Program Coordinator and is now helping other chapters grow and thrive on campus.  
“NeW has not only been amazing for me in terms of building up my career and leadership abilities, but has also made a significant impact on my personal life. Through NeW I have found friendship and sisterhood that has made my college experience even more fulfilling.” – Chloe Sparwath

These are just a few of the many inspirational young women I’ve had the pleasure of working with and getting to know over the last 18 years.

Thank you,

Karin Lips
President of NeW

You're Invited!
To conclude our month-long celebration, we are excited to host our annual Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday, September 21 from 6-8pm ET outside on the Weiss Terrace at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. This event will bring together NeW women from our college chapters and Professional Network as well as friends of the network for an evening of celebration and networking. Register to join us.
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