From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: NBC Just Can’t Stop Smearing AMERICAN RENAISSANCE,; etc. (55 items)
Date December 18, 2019 9:36 PM
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[NBC Just Can’t Stop Smearing AMERICAN RENAISSANCE,!]([link removed]) “…we fight or suffer complete extermination.” [Support our litigation campaign(s)]([link removed]) by donating to our year-end fundraiser [here]([link removed]).

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And to those who have already donated, THANK YOU!

["Big Ag Amnesty Argument Shows GOP Progress—And Mounting Democratic Craziness. Could Be Good For Trump 2020.]([link removed])"; "[Conservative Victory In UK Shows Path Forward For Trump's GOP, If They Have The Wit To See It]([link removed])"; etc. (55 items, 12/17/2019)

First up this week, DON’T WORRY! [NYPD is on Alert For Right-Wing White Extremists and Anti-Semite David N. Anderson of the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket Slaughter]([link removed]) who is a… Black Hebrew Israelite.

In second place, Eugene Gant asks, [“Are There GOOD Robberies?”]([link removed]) after the New York Post insinuated that the Tessa Majors murder was just a [“robbery gone awry”]([link removed]) just like this [“sex attack gone awry.”]([link removed])

Solidly in third, [Joy Behar and Rashida Tlaib Thought Jersey City Killers Were White—Presumably Because They Think The Media Would TELL THEM If They Weren’t]([link removed]). They’re completely unaware of the general MSM rule: [“When you don’t tell us the race, you tell us the race.”]([link removed])

Next in fourth, Steve Sailer points out the unfortunate notion that, after the Tessa Majors murder, Morningside Park, recently gentrified, may [regain its reputation as a no-go zone, much to the dismay of the NYT]([link removed]).

And finally in fifth, [“Calling Ava DuVernay: your Next Retconning Project Is Here”]([link removed])! Steve Sailer suggests the director of “When They See Us” about the Central Park Five start working on the “Morningside Park Three.”

Featured Articles

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Big Ag Amnesty Argument Shows GOP Progress—And Mounting Democratic Craziness. Could Be Good For Trump 2020.]([link removed])

Sunday December 15, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[John Derbyshire: After Pensacola (And Pearl Harbor): How Ruling Class Sent Fort Hood Shooting Down The Memory Hole?]([link removed])

Saturday December 14, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[NRO’s Rich Lowry Tries To Neuter Nationalism, Leftists Lacerate Him Anyway]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Conservative Victory In UK Shows Path Forward For Trump's GOP, If They Have The Wit To See It]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Forget THE APPRENTICE, Trump—Blacks Will Never Vote For You Enough To Make A Difference]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter: Who's Doing The Raping? Immigrants—But Don't Ask 'LAW & ORDER SVU'!]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: Bampumim Teixeira And The Blood on Open Borders Boston's Hands]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER ARTICLES]([link removed])

Blog Posts

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

[NBC Just Can't Stop Smearing AMERICAN RENAISSANCE,]([link removed])

Monday December 16, 2019

Author James Fulford

[The Trumps (Donald And Melania) And The War On Christmas]([link removed])

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[NATURE Magazine: The Term "Quantum Supremacy" Is Too Cool For School]([link removed])

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Mexico Cartel Assassin Reveals All]([link removed])

Monday December 16, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Illegals Get Drivers Licenses In New York, Americans "Hardest Hit"—By Hit And Run Drivers]([link removed])

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Anti-White Rhetoric In New York Schools Isn't Good For The Jews After All]([link removed])

Sunday December 15, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[18-Year-Old White Girl Stabbed, Minorities Hardest Hit]([link removed])

Sunday December 15, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Corporate Anti-Discrimination Lawsuits, AKA "Black Retirement Planning"]([link removed])

Sunday December 15, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Race Does Not Exist, But Black Hair Does]([link removed])

Sunday December 15, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[ An Anniversary Appreciation By John Derbyshire]([link removed])

Saturday December 14, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Purge of Unwoke Military Cadets Demanded]([link removed])

Saturday December 14, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

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Saturday December 14, 2019

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Saturday December 14, 2019

Author Nicholas Stix

[The Tessa Majors Murder: Her Killers’ Supporters Look To Play "Central Park Five" Hoax Card]([link removed])

Saturday December 14, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Manhattan Borough President Warns That Morningside Park 3 Could be Framed Like Central Park 5]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Calling Ava DuVernay: Your Next Retconning Project Is Here]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Latino Immigrants Would be Less Likely to Trash and Burn Down America's Forests if We Only Dared Ask Them Not To]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[NFL Team Is Shocked, Shocked That Cornerback Uses "Retard" as a Noun]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Eugene Gant

[Tessa Majors Killing Another "Robbery Gone Wrong"—Are There GOOD Robberies?]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Pop Suprema Taylor Swift Calls Out the Soros, Bush, and Bin Laden Clans for Conspiring Against Her]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Mark Levin: Nearly EVERY Past President Would Be Impeached under Today’s Democrat Rules]([link removed])

Friday December 13, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Jeremy Corbyn Shares His Pronouns]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Why Is Former CIA Director John Brennan Still Walking Free after Committing Perjury?]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Nicholas Stix

[A Double Atrocity In New York City]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

["Latino Littering" Isn't Actually a Metaphor for Anything Other Than Latino Littering]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[James Kirkpatrick: VDARE.Com Is Necessary And I'm Proud To Be A Part Of It!]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Both Joy Behar And Rashida Tlaib Thought Jersey City Killers Were White—Presumably Because They Think The Media Would TELL THEM If They Weren't]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[We ARE Building That Wall...Or Are We?]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Drop In Border Crossings Shows That For Now, Mexico IS The Wall]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Does AOC’s District Reflect Her Environmental Talking Points?]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[NYT: NYPD Is on Alert for Right-Wing White Extremists, Like the Proud Boys and Anti-Semite David N. Anderson of the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket Slaughter]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[House Passes Big Ag Amnesty—With 34 GOP Votes]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Trump In Hershey, PA: ICE, MS-13, And Immigrant Sex Crimes, But No Talk Of Amnesty]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Criminally Insane Social Justice Murderer Pablo Gomez's Pronoun Is Proclaimed Word of the Year]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

["Black Hebrew Israelites" (Black Nationalists, Black Supremacists) Tied To Jersey City Shooting]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Black Bodies Matter In Beauty Pageants]([link removed])

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Daron Acemoglu vs. Tyler Cowen on Why Northern Countries Are Richer Than Tropic Countries]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Two Of Trump’s Biggest Impeachment Defenders Back Big Agriculture Amnesty]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[The Return Of Nullification: New York To Start Issuing Driver's Licenses To Illegals]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Anonymous Attorney

[White Law Student Discovers It's Not OK To Be White At Oklahoma City University]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Help Us Raise $200,000 To Fund High-Impact, America First Journalism In 2020.]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Matt Gaetz Continues To Impress On Impeachment, Saudis]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Reader

[A Military Reader Wants To Know If New Jersey Shooting Is Terrorism Or Just A Minority Massacre]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Vdare TV

Tuesday December 03, 2019


[Giving Tuesday with Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, and Faith Goldy!]([link removed])

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Radio Derb

Friday December 13, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[Fort Hood Anniversary, Pensacola Postscript, Afghanistan Lies, And Not Reporting Race, Etc.]([link removed])

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Syndicated Columns

Monday December 16, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Will the Secessionist Epidemic Ever End?]([link removed])

Thursday December 12, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan On Impeachment: Where Are the 'High Crimes'?]([link removed])


Author James Kirkpatrick

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Author Lawrence Auster

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Author Michelle Malkin

[Open Borders Inc.]([link removed])

Author Peter Brimelow

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