Hello Dems,
Apologies, a previous version of this email contains the wrong date of the event.
Please join us on September 21 for the first prop talk of the season, where we will discuss all things Prop 1!
Californians overwhelmingly support women’s right to choose. California Democrats have sent over 15 bills to strengthen abortion protections to the Governor’s desk. Now, it’s time for voters to take a stand at the ballot box.
Prop 1 places the fundamental right to abortion & the right to contraceptives in the CA Constitution.
On September 21, come listen to the experts on why California should vote YES on prop 1, to defend the right to choose and enshrine it in the California State Constitution.

CADEM is proud to stand with women and endorse Prop 1 as we continue to make California a safe haven for abortion & reproductive freedom.
We are excited to bring this critical conversation to you!
Don’t miss out on September 21 and don’t miss your chance to VOTE YES ON PROP 1!
In solidarity,