One has to wonder at times how the majority of politicians got to where they are currently. Sure, we can point to unfulfilled promises, disingenuous flowery language and virtue signaling as reasons why they occupy

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CNN Analyst David Gergen: Trump's Letter to Pelosi Sounds Like a 'Letter From a Two-Bit Dictator In a Banana Republic'

By Brittany M. Hughes | 18 Dec 2019

Speaking on a panel with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Tuesday evening, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen compared President Donald Trump’s recent letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to a “letter from a two-bit dictator in...

‘Empire’ Executive Producer Considering Jussie Smollett Comeback for Show Finale

By Monica Sanchez | 18 Dec 2019

Showrunner and executive producer of “Empire,” Brett Mahoney, is reportedly considering bringing Jussie Smollett back for the show’s finale.Mahoney in an interview with TVLine said that, “It would be weird in my mind to end...

SC Joins Growing List of States Contemplating The Restoration Of Gold And Silver As Legal Tender

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | 18 Dec 2019

Another state has joined the battle to free people from the oppression of the Federal Reserve.The New American’s Joe Wolverton II explains that a few weeks ago in SC:State Representative Stewart O. Jones submitted legislation...

New Omnibus Bill Slated to Give $4.2 Bil. to Afghan 'Security Forces,' $500 Mil. For Jordanian Border Security

By Nick Kangadis | 18 Dec 2019

The Twitterverse has been abuzz this week, at least a little bit, with tweets from people who understand that impeachment isn’t the only thing Congress is trying to push through. There are actually other topics...


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