I want to take a minute to explain why your contribution is so important to our campaign

Friends — 

When it comes to emails, I’m probably a lot like you: Every day I get messages like this from campaigns asking for my support. 

I understand it might be hard to see how one contribution could make a difference to a campaign like ours. That’s why I want to take a minute to explain why your $10 is so important today.

Just last month, we learned who our opponent is. Trump calls him “hardcore-MAGA.” Tucker Carlson called him his “favorite candidate.”And that means the MAGA Right will be doing everything they can to mobilize behind him.

National Republicans have already spent millions attacking me to help him win. Worse still, he’s backed by a big tech billionaire who has spent $15 million to unseat me. Simply put, we’re in for a tough fight — and that’s why your support is so critical right now.

When you make a $10 contribution, that money will immediately be put to work to reach voters across Arizona.

Whether it’s running television ads, sending mailers, or getting out in the field to knock doors, we can’t meet voters where they are without grassroots supporters like you who fuel our campaign.

So, I have to ask:

Can you please split a $10 contribution between my re-election and Jon Tester? We need your help to stay on track and defend this seat.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Mark Kelly and Jon Tester will go through immediately:

With your help, we will continue to build a winning grassroots campaign and defend this seat in November.

I’m glad to have you on my team.

Mark Kelly