
September 8, 2022

Dear USA Today, Abortion Isn't 'Support' for Female Athletes
by Mary Szoch
On Wednesday, USA Today featured an article detailing the "major panic" across women's college sports as coaches and athletic administrators encounter state laws protecting unborn children from the evil of abortion. The article quotes one Power Five coach from a pro-life state as saying, "If a young woman is in a moment of crisis, that is when they need to know they can rely on us. The ruling doesn't change that it's our job to support and serve these young women - it's just made it a lot more challenging."
As Midterms Near, Warnings against Conservative Voter Complacency Emerge
by Dan Hart
With November's midterm elections just eight weeks away, Democrats are seeing President Biden's recent sharply-worded rhetoric and abortion rights as rallying points to make the midterm elections close, which have been expected for months to go the GOP's way. Meanwhile, warnings are emerging that conservative voters cannot afford to rest easy on predictions of a comfortable victory in November.
Dems Tie Same-Sex Marriage Vote to Funding the Government
by Joshua Arnold
Senate Democrats have crammed a bill to codify same-sex marriage into a continuing resolution to fund the government past September 30. "We need the federal government to pass funding authorizations by the end of September," explained Travis Weber, FRC's vice president for Policy and Government Affairs, on "Washington Watch." But codifying same-sex marriage is "still obviously unacceptable, whether a standalone vote or attached to funding bills."
States Are Ready to Stop Pretending That Abortion Can Save Lives
by Joy Stockbauer
This week, the state senate in South Carolina is discussing a bill that would protect the lives of unborn babies beginning at conception. While the bill is not perfect - given that it fails to protect unborn children conceived in rape or incest from abortion - it is succeeding at finally correcting the misleading language of other pro-life protections that feature the "life of the mother" exception.
Teachers' Unions Strike, Disrupting Back-to-School Season
by Joshua Arnold
U.N. Human Rights Official: Christians 'Misuse Religious Narratives' to Deny Minors Transgender Surgeries
by Ben Johnson
Protect Life, Without Exceptions (Part 7): Babies with Special Needs
by Joy Stockbauer


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