There’s no point relying on interest rates to control the money supply (Powell) when government spending (Biden) continues to...
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September 8, 2022 • Weekly Newsletter
Biden and Powell Are at Odds on Inflation ([link removed])
Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)
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And that’s the problem. There’s no point relying on interest rates to control the money supply (Powell) when government spending (Biden) continues to exacerbate inflationary pressures. Sound money and sound finances must go hand in hand for the economy to regain a solid footing. What do we do next? READ MORE » ([link removed])
WATCH: The Gold Standard: Prospect & Retrospect 50 Years After the Bretton Woods System ([link removed])
Is Extreme Weather Causing the World’s Rivers to Dry Up? ([link removed])
David R. Legates (American Thinker)
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So says CNN. One problem, however. Their before-and-after aerial photography compared August 2022 to (you guessed it) August 2021—just one year before. Climate change is measured over periods of at least 30 years, not a single year. What CNN showed was a normal change in yearly weather conditions and local effects in dam operations. How inconvenient.... READ MORE » ([link removed])
Hot Talk, Cold Science (2021) ([link removed])
Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate (Revised and Expanded Third Edition) ([link removed])
By S. Fred Singer et al.
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Inflation Will Hit Universities Hard ([link removed])
Richard K. Vedder (The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal)
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The U.S. faces the worst inflation in 40 years; and that, plus the nearly daily multi-billion-dollar drubbing the nation’s college and universities are getting in the stock market, mean they are facing perilous times. Will the Keynesian managerial class these schools trained up come to the rescue yet again? READ MORE » ([link removed])
Restoring the Promise ([link removed])
Higher Education in America ([link removed])
By Richard K. Vedder
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Where Do the Poorest Americans Stand in the Income Distribution among All People Ever Born? ([link removed])
Robert M. Whaples (The Independent Review)
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Data from historical and contemporary sources suggest that the poorest Americans—those in the bottom five percent—have higher incomes than roughly 95 percent of all the humans who have ever lived. READ MORE » ([link removed])
The Independent Review ([link removed])
Summer 2022 ([link removed])
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The Latest from The Beacon
* What’s the Issue with Classical Liberalism and Religion? ([link removed]) , by Daniel B. Klein
* America’s Coming National Debt Crisis ([link removed]) , by Craig Eyermann
* Heat Wave Pulls the Plug on Electric Cars ([link removed]) , by K. Lloyd Billingsley
* President Biden’s Big, Bad Deal ([link removed]) , by Craig Eyermann
* Reducing Inflation with More Inflation ([link removed]) , by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
The Latest from Catalyst
* Japan is Ready to Address the Energy Crisis ([link removed]) , by Paige Lambermont
* Calling a Recession a Recession ([link removed]) , by Brady Leonard
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